Connect with Talented Job Seekers

Resume Reserve and JobScout.
Our free online tools provide the hiring community with access to a talented pool of job seekers currently in service with Lee Hecht Harrison both in Thailand and globally.
- Resume Reserve — Our resume database provides direct access to a constantly updated pool of qualified job seekers across all levels, backgrounds and industries. It enables you to source potential candidates by searching combinations of keywords, presents your results ranked by relevance, and allows you direct contact with potential candidates.
- JobScout — Our online database of employment opportunities is a FREE service to the HR community. The job postings you place in JobScout will be accessible to LHH clients in career transition – talented job seekers from across all industries, functional levels, backgrounds and geographic locations.
Job Market Consultants.
Lee Hecht Harrison’s Job Market Consultants serve as ambassadors to the hiring community, offering personal assistance in connecting qualified candidates with employment opportunities through their extensive network of employers and search professionals.
Job Market Consultants exist in every market and will work with you to find appropriate candidates from all levels, functional responsibilities, backgrounds and experience.